

I’m Shannon Childs, a designer who wants to make you smile. I started Doodles Invigorate to creatively share my thoughts and inspire others to think positive. I do this through imagery and sharing my personal life experiences. I enjoy symbolism because it engages the audience to find their own meaning to the image. These doodles have special meaning to me. I hope you will find your own special meaning as well.

Since I’ve started Doodles Invigorate I’ve made a major transition in my life—transitioning into Jesus. You can see that transition through the posts. I went from encouraging through positive thinking to encouraging through the word of God. Some posts have scripture references. I encourage you to read them and dig deep into the word. The bible has great power and all the tools for successful living.

You will see and lot of happy-go-lucky stuff on this web site. I believe a person has to counter the negative with positive. The best way to do that is through love. You will hear me say spread love a lot. I’m not talking about any kind of love, but the love of Christ.

I think it’s vital for people to continually search for hidden treasures to make life special and continually renew their minds. Doodles Invigorate is designed to help us find love, hope, joy, and peace in all things. I hope you enjoy this web site and are encouraged.  Please feel free to share the doodles that inspire you! I would love to hear your thoughts and comments, even if you disagree. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Doodle: to draw or scribble idly.
Invigorate: to give vigor to; fill with life and energy; energize.
Definitions from dictionary.com

305 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Shannon, thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my recent post. It was interesting reading about Doodles Invigorate. I like your thinking! Blessings on you as you spread His love.

  2. Hi Shannon, thanks for stopping by my blog, and encouraging me by introducing your blog to me. I like your designs and your introduction page. I’m looking forward to reading more and seeing more of your designs! Keep up the good work.

    • Thank you, Linda. I’m glad you took time to check out Doodles Invigorate. Encouragement is important business! I pray God will continue to fill you with encouraging words.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to hit the like button on my blog. It may not seem like much to you but, to me and Z it means that people are reading and interacting. That is huge to us. Thanks again.

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by on my blog a few weeks back! Can I just say, it is people like you and your blog that reassure my faith in others. I really love your blog! Thanks for brightening my day!

    • Thank so much for the amazing compliment! I am honored to reassure your faith! 🙂 Thanks for checking out doodles invigorate. Also, good luck with finishing your education!

  5. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am encouraged by the visits of other bloggers to my site. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your artwork. Blessings on your days!

  6. Hi Shannon, my name is Kyle, and I write for the blog KTM Fitness. Thank you for liking my post. Your blog is awesome, and I enjoy how you motivate people through faith!

  7. Thanks Shannon for stopping by my blog and liking a post. I love how you are shining a light into the dark and can’t wait to see more from you!

  8. Peace be with you Shannon! Thank you for liking our post. It’s a joy to know we share the same ideals for our blogs. All for love of God! May God bless your blog and all your wonderful doodles!

  9. Such a beautiful blog you have here Shannon. 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by mine and letting me take a peek at your inspiring artwork ❤

  10. Thanks so much for checking out our site Anchordrop.org and liking my personal post Week 5: Still Alive…I am really looking forward to following your blog. You are a very talented woman! Have a wonderful day!

  11. Hi Shannon, thanks for stopping by Flourish! and liking my latest post. I think Doodles Invigorate is fantastic. I haven’t seen anything else like it in the blogosphere, and you’ve now got yourself a new follower. Blessings, Ann.

  12. Hi! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog so much! I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    Here are the Rules:

    1.Thank and link to the person who nominated you.

    2.List the rules and display the award.

    3.Share seven facts about yourself

    4.Nominate 15 other blogs and let them know they have been nominated.

    5.Proudly display the logo on your blog and follow the bloggers who nominated you.

  13. Shannon, thanks for signing on to follow my blog at http://soulfoodandroses.com/ I think it’s so wonderful to watch the Light spreading around the world with individuals and groups starting everything from blogs to movements to practice kindness, giving, caring for the Earth and the animals and people, and shifting our thinking and our speech to that which will allow more light and more grace and more love to thrive. Thanks for what you are contributing…it’s wonderful!

    • Your welcome and thank you! It is wonderful when we all contribute to making our experiences of earth more enjoyable. I hope you will continued to be inspired as you encourage others!

  14. Fantastic! No wonder you thought awesome of https://thiabasilialicona.wordpress.com/2015/01/22/there-is-a-huge-difference-between-genuine-kindness-and-all-the-hype-about-positive-thinking-and-the-new-age-philosophies/. Now, my dear sister, I am graciously fading from Blogging 101 because I just can’t take the immense wave of the hype that goes on, but, that does not mean that I wish to fade from the likes of your post. I will not post for a while, but, there is a lot in https://thiabasilialicona.wordpress.com that could strengthen the message in your blog even more, not because thia/Basilia, but, because the Presence of our Savior within my heart, His Presence is reaching out to all of His children by all means available including you & me. So, plz keep the site in my mind and keep in touch if you wish. 🙂

    • Thanks for sharing. You give a lot of great insight. You are right when you say a lot of positive thinking philosophies are self righteous and materialistic. I like to take the best out of all things; while allowing God lead and change me. Thanks for visiting my site.

  15. Pingback: To the Point: Losing it | Merry Hearts Medicine

  16. Hello again, my doodling friend. This week I am delving into the world of Pinterest for the first time. I’ve been learning about copyright laws since I began blogging, but just to be sure…Do you mind if I pin some of your artwork to one of my Pinterest boards?

  17. Hello,

    I hope you are enjoying your renewed blog.  I’m glad you were able to come back and share more of your insights.  🙂

    I’ve been working on a little video project of late that I just published on my blog.  For some reason, when I published the post, your blog kept popping into my mind.  I couldn’t shake the feeling, so I decided I should share a link to the video with you.  If you have time to watch it, great.  Maybe it will be a blessing to you, or to someone you know.  If you don’t have the time or inclination to watch it, no problem.  I understand how busy life can get!

    I pray blessings on your upward path in the service of God.  Have a great day!

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