Build Family


Being a single mom is not easy! I’m still learning patience and get easily annoyed by my children’s antics and disobedience. When I am high strung I become the big bad wolf. All it takes is one big huff and puff to blow the house down. It’s easy to be condescending and mean in that state of mind. I’m in the process of training myself to be gentle and calm no matter how crazy the little people or life gets. As parents we need to build up our children and discipline in an effective and encouraging manner. Build up your child! Build family!

31 thoughts on “Build Family

    • Aww, Thank you. I hope to have a great life long relationship with my kids as well. All mom’s are heroes. Single or not being a parent is hard work! I know you mention your children on your blog. I hope you guys will continue to stay close! 🙂

  1. I agree–I am not at my best when I’m stressed. And I admit I can be downright mean and angry. I try to meditate and just be so that I can be effective and encouraging. The kids have gotten into meditating and learning strategies to cope better too with stress and negative emotions! But we all need these reminders daily. I try hard not to let being a single mom impact how I treat my kids (stress, limits on activities, etc.) as much as possible–not their fault! But there’s just so much I can do!
    Keep up your great work!!

    • So true. That’s great that you are teaching your children how to handle stress and negative emotions. I’ve started doing that as well. Although sometimes I get too angry to remember. When I do remember family melt downs don’t last as long. Keep up the great work as well. I hope you get to enjoy occasional mommy time!

  2. I agree. I’m working on the same thing. It’s not easy trying to correct habits, but totally worth it. Parents are not above getting reprimanded even if we do it to ourselves. When I’m stressed, I try to breathe through it so I don’t take my outside stress out inside the home especially with my munchkin. He doesn’t deserve my stresses.
    Great topic.

    • Very true, sometimes parents need a time out to breath and relax more than the kids. When things get too crazy I go in my room until I feel better. Thanks, I think I’m going to start making more parenting posts.

  3. I love this Shannon! The illustration alone speaks volumes. As a parent, it’s so easy to get upset and fly off the handle.Trust me, I know. Parents have it hard, single parent house hold or dual parenting, we are responsible to take good care of another human being, yikes! Haha.

  4. Hey Shannon,
    Remember that as often as you think you mess up with your kids, you’re doing fine. Keep up the positives. I am a single mother of a now 21 year old. What she remembers the most are the times we were silly and times where I came clean with her. Always admit your mistakes to them. Let them see that you’re human too. Allow them to be who they are deep inside.
    The fact that you’re conscious about building them up just goes to show that no matter what, you’re on your way to establishing healthy relationships with them. You’ll be fine. And so will your kids. 🙂

      • You’re very welcome. Sometimes we need to step back and observe ourselves. I’m glad I could help.
        Yes, I’ll be spending time with my family (parents included) for the holidays. It’ll be good since my daughter has been at school, “surviving the semester” as she says.
        Thanks for asking. Here’s a thing: Create your own tradition with your kids. That helps when everything else in your world seems chaotic, and your kids will appreciate those moments of solidity later. Enjoy your holidays as well!

      • Great suggestion! I’ve tried to start some such as movie night and game night but haven’t been consistent with it. That thought would make a great post: create family traditions. Hmmm 🙂

      • Go for it! I’ll do the same. My daughter and I used to do a silly thing during the summer months when I grew a garden. We weren’t allowed to eat anything until she picked and ate the first green bean. Since these are the easiest and quickest to grow, it made our tradition fun.

    • Hi Cheryl,
      I am also a single parent of two young adult women. My relationship with them has always been honest and upfront. And if I did lose my cool (and sometimes still do), I am easy to apologize. The relationship I have with them is one of the most important I will ever have, so I always treat it with respect.
      I am very fortunate to have such wonderful girls. It wasn’t easy, but the results were worth the efforts!
      Good Post 🙂

  5. It is good to practice remaining calm and positive in the sometimes difficult situations. I would also like to say that I am a single mother, although my children are both young adults now. It wasn’t easy, to say the least. But I was always honest and upfront with them. I believed that the relationship I had with them was the most important I would ever have with anyone, and I treated it with that respect. If I was wrong, I apologized. Still do.
    I’m very proud of my girls (sorry, young women 🙂 ) and the relationship I have with them.
    Good post!

  6. Well said. Very powerful. I need to tame the big bad wolf too!! I need more of Him in me, and responding out of me … Not old me, but born again, new, fresh, Jesus filled me.
    Thank you Lord!!
    Natalie 🙂

  7. Pingback: Family Tradition | Doodles Invigorate

  8. Love this post, too. When I felt like the “big bad wolf” When the kids were young, I tried hard in my head to substitute the word GUIDANCE for DISCIPLINE.

    Sometimes, it’s tiring, but we as parents must GUIDE, GUIDE AGAIN, then GUIDE AGAIN & AGAIN… into infinity. When I approached that parenting role as GUIDANCE, I didn’t get as stressed or “big bad wolfie” – LOL.’

    Give it a try – it can’t hurt 🙂

  9. I agree with the big bad wolf thing…that used to be me too. But I have been able to mellow a bit over time, plus my kids are now grown. My grandkids are just fun time for me…much of the discipline goes back to the parents!


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